I'm using Twallan's story progression mod, which really makes the game come alive. I recommend it if you want to play a "watch what those crazy Sims will do next" type of game, rather than a highly controlled game. I find The Sims 3 achingly dull when played as a strategy game, but I'm enjoying the soap opera.
So, here's what's happening...
Mike and Deanna decided they hated each other.

This is no surprise. Half my game's popups seem to be about someone hating Mike or vice versa. The only person who can stand his combination of mood swings and braggadocio is Elly. Deanna divorced him and neither of them cared. Their kids didn't even care. Meredith and Robin don't like Mike either. Mike moved into the Tiny Train House with his parents and April.

Georgia and Phil had a baby. (They named him David.)

Rule 34 says that someone, somewhere, ships these two. I sure don't.

About five minutes later...

Somewhere in here, John and Elly divorced. I didn't get a picture of it because I remarried them right away. They divorced again the next day, but I remarried them again and set story progression to not allow them to divorce. Neither of them can escape the other, I enjoy torturing them too much.
Elizabeth got pregnant with Anthony's kid. Then the next popup I got about them was this:

Michael had moved in to the Tiny Train house with Elly, John and April, but now Liz needed to move back home since she'd be popping out an Anthony spawn any minute. So I moved Mike in with Weed, who had broken up with Carleen as soon as I plopped them on their lot.

I figured I might as well move Carleen into the Pattermanse with Deanna.

Then, while I was playing another house...

I think I'll cut out some extraneous stuff here and just show Weed's relationship panel as it is currently.

At least there's one couple in town that's rock solid.

Also in the romance department:

So far, the Foobsims can be split into three groups: the insane, the cute, and the dull. Only one Foobsim rises above them all. She has made more money than any other Sim in the neighborhood, she is the most successful of any Sim at her "job", and all love her and despair.

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