1. Does Morrigan's ritual have any affect on the other games?
2. Can only me or Alistair be killed by the archdemon if I say don't do the ritual, or is Riordan possibility?
3. Does making Alistair complete the ritual have any adverse affects?
4. If you have a romance with Morrigan will she stay with you after the game ends if you d othe ritual? If you don't?
First to last is how important they are for me to get an answer.|||1) It has some minor impact on the dialogue in the DLC Witch Hunt.
2) Riordan, for plot reasons, always dies before the final battle. You can potentially recruit Loghain into your party (losing Alastair in the process) and make him a Grey Warden, in which case, he can be sacrificed in the final battle.
3) Nope.
4) No. However, in Witch Hunt, you can potentially stay with her then at the end.|||1. No it doesn't.
2.Only a Grey Warden can kill it(you, alistar or loghain(if you kept him)). Riordan will die even before you meet the Archdemon. He will find the Archdemon first and try to kill it and dies in the process.
3. No but I think it would be easier for you to complete it.
4. IF you complete the ritual she will stay and help fight the archdemon then she leaves. IF you dont she'll leave the next morning. Either way she leaves, the difference is when.
P/S: If you made Morrigan strong throughout the game, making her to have Hold Down spells(e.g. Cone of Cold, Blizzard, etc) you will want to complete the ritual so that she is there to help you out and you get to see Ferelden cheer your Heroism which is awesome! Get up close to the Archdemon and use Cone of cold to freeze it let the elves to chip its life away from far and make Morrigan use Tempest on the frozen dragon. Use alot of spells but stay away from fire spells because the dragon is almost immune to it. Freeze it and blast it with StoneFist(Wyne) if you use Fire spell it will melt the ice and he is free again. Use ample of Lyrium and Potions(Finish off your supply You won't need it anymore). All the best its gonna be AWESOME!!
Long Live BioWARE!!! :)|||1) Not really sure. Haven't played the others...yet.
2) If you saved Loghain, he can be used as a sacrifice or whatever, Riordan is not an option, he's off killing Darkspawn somewhere.
3) I saved Alistair with the ritual, and he seemed a little disgusted, but the ending result is a happy ending (if you're a girl, anyway, because I was)
4) Morrigan leaves regardless of your choice. She gets up and disappears randomly.
:)|||1. I don't think the ritual affects any other games.
2. There is the possibility of Loghain if you recruited him.
3. I doubt it.
4. She'll leave no matter what if you aren't in a romance. She'll stay for the battle but leave immediately afterward if you did the ritual and are in a romance with her.|||1. As of yet no, Morrigan's ritual only affects 1, not 2.
2. No, Logain can also be used to do the ritual to kill the archdemon
3. None I recall, but on my playthroughs I usually refuse Morrigan's ritual outright.
4. Don't recall. I do know she'll stay for the final battle with the archdemon if you do the ritual, but I think she will leave after its over.
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